Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Hey guys,

Today, I am pleased to tell you that I will be changing the content of my blog from random blog posts to everything related to "Entrepreneurship". I realize that not everyone around really gets the idea of starting up their own firm not only just to secure your future maybe(you may even incur losses if you aren't determined enough and haven't planned out your business), but also contribute your share to the economy of your country. Not only will you be generating employment but also you will be able to share your unique ideas of products and/or services with the world.

I am a student of Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore, currently pursuing Bachelor of Commerce (Third year) and I am exposed to this really amazing opportunity of quenching my thirst for entrepreneurship knowledge. I cannot stress enough of how interesting this is. Having an idea and watching it turn into reality is one of the biggest most beautiful success anyone can ever experience in their lives. Very few people have the interest in opening up their own business. And I would not only like to be one of them but also like to share tips and tricks of how to get there through my own experience.

We all look up to great entrepreneurs like Ben Franklin, Estee Lauder, Walt Disney, etc. Taking inspiration from them is something we could do to help us overcome our mistakes and failures and move to a better place in the business world.

This was just my introduction to what will be up on my blog from here on. Life is not just about making it easier for yourself, but also about making this world a better place to live in, may it be through your products(medicines, luxury goods, etc) or services(private schools, hospitals, or anything that serves others).